In the Fall of 2019 Nancy Mckenzie brought a soy wax candle kit and a soap kit to explore the possibility of relaxing by learning how to make candles and soaps. She was fascinated with the feelings she was experiencing while making both products but was more drawn to the candles. She tested a few herself and give away a couple to close friends. Then she brought more candles supplies and did a second batch which she gave away again. In the beginning of 2020 she was going thorough some trials and tribulations and was feeling down, anxious, hopeless and defeated . She started searching for guidance from God through prayers. One day at the time her faith, hope and mainly trust in God started growing. Then one day, she decided to pull out some of the remaining wax she had to make some candles and right then she realized that making candle was therapeutic to her mind. Not only the making of the candles was therapeutic, but also lighting them depending on the scent set her mood. It was then that she decided to start selling soy candles to help people embrace the moment, their ambience or to recall precious memories based on the aroma of the candle that they light. “Seek God’s will in all you do, and he will show you which path to take” Proverbs 3:6 The name KalChancy was inspired by the first three letters of her two sons name and the last two letters of her name. ENJOY


To help people embrace the moment, their ambience, or to recall precious memories based on the aroma of the candle that they light.
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